28 Years of Accuracy, Reliability & Service

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Construction Services

Materials Testing

Soils Testing

Laboratory Testing

Special Inspections


In The Dirt

CRT offers a very wide range of soils inspections, investigations and laboratory analysis. They range from onsite inspections to in-house analysis of soil and rock materials.

Projects usually begin with CRT performing the soil borings and the engineering division providing the geotechnical recommendations for foundation construction.

When the project is designed for footing excavation, we supply a field technician to observe the excavation, enforce the recommendations of the geotechnical report and ensure stability.

If the project requires additional fill materials, we can witness the placement and compaction of each lift of fill material and test its density (compaction) utilizing a nuclear densometers. A densometer is a device, powered by a small amount of radiation, used to measure the density of the soil. We compare the in-place density to the maximum density obtained in the laboratory that allows us to determine the in place percent of compaction.

Here are some of the tests required:
Compaction testing of fill materials
Foundation inspection and testing
Bearing testing
California Bearing Ratio testing
Settlement monitoring

Laboratory Analysis And Testing
Specific gravity (Fine/Course aggregates)
Gradation analysis (Soil And Rock)
Grain size analysis (Hydrometer
Permeability/Compaction testing
Topsoil analysis (pH, organic, chemical)
Atterberg Limits (Plasticity)